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IndieFlix logo logo


Stream films from around the world, including classics, contemporary features, award-winning shorts, and documentaries. This resource requires a library card to use it.

Inspire logo


Browse Indiana’s virtual online library of academic databases and other information resources. This resource requires a library card to use it.

Internet Archive logo

Internet Archive

The Internet Archive hosts PCPLS's genealogical digital content, including yearbook collections, contracts, books, and historical items.

Kanopy logo


Find movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos that inspire, enrich and entertain.

Libby logo


Download Libby to access free e-books, digital audiobooks, and magazines from your library. This resource requires a library card to use it.

Little Pim logo

Little Pim

Little Pim is Mango Languages' newest offering, geared towards helping littles learn new languages quick and easy. This resource requires a library card to use it.

Mango Languages logo

Mango Languages

Learn one of 70 languages with this simple language and culture learning tool. This resource requires a library card to use it.

MyPCPLS app logo


Take your library with you wherever you go! Download the MyPCPLS app to access your library anywhere.

Qello Concerts logo

Qello Concerts

Access the world's largest collection of on-demand music performances, concert films, and documentaries for an immersive live music experience on your devices. This resource requires a library card to use it.

Reference Solutions logo

Reference Solutions

Small business owners, marketing professionals, researchers and job seekers: Create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis, raise funds and locate people!